FeesEdgewater Principals are registered financial advisors who follow the fiduciary standard. And, as fiduciaries, we are required by law to always act in your best interest.
Our fiduciary services are provided on a fee-only structure with fixed fees calculated based on the the percentage of assets managed by the firm. This ensures that we are purely seeking what is best given your specific situation. We are solely compensated from fees paid directly by our clients. The firm does not receive or accept benefits, commissions, compensation or referral bonuses from custodians or broker-dealers on any investment product, including insurance. Edgewater does not charge performance-based fees. A performance-based fee structure has the potential of conflict of interest and may create an incentive for an Advisor to recommend certain investments over another. We maintain a policy of charging fees in arrears which means that performance during the quarter is factored into the fee calculation. This also means that our fees can decrease when a client’s portfolio declines in value. When your assets are managed by Edgewater, services include:
We also provide non-fiduciary consulting services for a pre-approved price based on the scope of work. If we aren't doing the buying and selling, we offer expertise on investment opportunities and the services listed above. |